Are you critical of yourself? Do you seriously doubt that God can use you—even if He wanted to? I have news for you today: You are a chosen vessel.
The Bible talks a lot about literal vessels in the Old Testament, which were set apart for special use in the house of the Lord. But in the New Testament, Christians are described as chosen vessels. Yes, you! You are a chosen vessel. Some of us a lot more weathered and possibly even a lot less watertight than we would like – but a chosen vessel none the less.
Did you know that you were created with a specific purpose in mind?
It’s easy to lose sight of that, in a world that is insistent on telling us what our purpose should be.
So many of the messages we receive from the world are that we must be good-looking,
well-liked, successful—anything to make us look good. This constant torrent of shallow and often impossible expectations shifts our focus onto our exterior. We try to become the kind of person the world says we should be. But in truth, even the most gorgeous, shapely, decorated, most-adored vessel—if it has no purpose—just sits on a shelf, empty and unused.
Are you cracked and scarred? Have you been injured by the world, broken, and glued back together? Maybe you had some cracks, which are now smudged over with obvious homemade patches. Repairs have left you lumpy and bumpy—and you may find it hard to believe that God would use such an odd-looking vessel. But what you or others see as weaknesses—God sees as promise.
Every awkward spot is a reminder of how He gently fixed you up. They are unique signs of His loving work in you, and His promise to keep you for Himself. And these marks serve as a testimony to others of God’s love.
Maybe you wish that you were made differently. But the truth is - You’ve got to trust that your Maker—the One who created the universe—knew what He was doing when He made you.
You are chosen, and you are more—so much more—than you ever knew you could be. Your life holds promise and purpose beyond what you could ever imagine.
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)