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Worship Team

2 Kings 3:15 – He said, “Now bring me a musician”. Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him.


We at All Saints believe that music is an integral part of our daily worship that gives way for us to connect with Jesus and deepen our relationship with Him. We have been blessed with the opportunity to share our musical gifts in many ways. At our traditional 7:30 service a choir sings accompanied by an organist and at the more contemporary service, which begins at 9:00, there is a full band who leads the congregation in worship.

We are also in the process of forming a Youth Band who will play at Youth on a Friday during the school term.


If you feel led to join any of these teams and share your musical gifts, contact the Office on: 033 347 3177 

© 2024 by All Saints United Church

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